Frequently asked questions
Was my order successful?
As soon as we have received your order, we will send you an order confirmation by e-mail.
Has my order already been shipped?
As soon as your order has been dispatched, you will receive a dispatch confirmation from us by e-mail so that you are aware of the whereabouts of the goods.
Special requests & custom-made products
We are happy to fulfill all of our customers' heartfelt wishes. Simply send us a message by e-mail and we will be happy to let you know whether and under what conditions we can fulfill your request.
What do I do if my desired item is currently not available?
We are a very small but fine manufactory and attach great importance to quality, variety and, above all, uniqueness. That is why our products are not stocked in large quantities. So if your favorite piece is not in stock, please write us a short message and we will contact you immediately.
Should products be washed before first use?
For better processing, the fabrics and materials are not washed during the manufacturing process. Fine dust is also inevitably generated during shipping. We therefore recommend - especially for cushions - a gentle wash before first use to remove unwanted dust and color residues from your new favorite pieces.
Delivery time for custom-made products
Depending on the size of the order, we will of course need an additional 2-5 days to produce your desired item.